Monday, September 12, 2011

The dangers of radio waves

!9# The dangers of radio waves

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With the advent of mobile phones in 1990, communication is much easier and portable. In fact, it has become impossible to imagine a world without them. The shops have increased exponentially in the decision-making now takes place at a much faster rate. In Africa, mobile technology does not need billions of dollars in the construction of telecommunications infrastructure as one of the most important means of communication such as telephone companies to spend.

Radio frequencies andMagnetic fields are controversial topics from 1960 and '70, with the introduction of mobile phones, has intensified the controversy. As in any debate, there are two schools of thought to the effects of radio waves and their dangerousness. On the one hand there are those who believe that radio frequencies have little effect on consumers and the environment in general. On the other hand there are those who are in serious danger of believing and radio wavesTelecommunications companies, which may be misleading, that we are safe.

Radio frequencies or radio waves, because they are more commonly known, consist of wireless and other electronic devices. You are not a new phenomenon in the modern world. In fact, apart from natural disasters have since radio waves are radio and television. Basically anything that has an antenna or transmitter emits radio waves. The speed with which the body absorbs radio waves is measured as the rate ofAbsorption Rate (SAR).

The controversy over cell phone radiation, is whether the radio frequencies emitted by mobile phones is safe for humans and the environment, or if we are all put at risk by the continuing failure of these waves and electromagnetic fields concentrated. As the radio frequencies are high enough, can break the fabric of the human body and may interfere with DNA. However, it is claimed that emissions from mobile phones so small that they pose noDanger. This is the mantra of the FCC for many years. It 'been said before a lot of confusion and concern recently when the same organization, now that more research is needed to assess the impact of radio frequency energy and if it has been determined dangerous to humans.

Complaints are in the United States and other countries like South Africa, where there are base stations in urban areas and even built in the gardens, in which the agreements reached between cellular networks and the surfaceHouse. The people who complained in the immediate vicinity of base stations from headaches and other health problems. Associations of homeowners and health researchers have argued that life may be near to base stations or heavy use of mobile phones stimulate brain tumors and tumors.

No official conclusions about the dangers of cell phones, and more people complain about the impact that you have to ask yourself the following questions: how dangerous radio frequencies and what are theThe risks to human health and the environment? Constant exposure to radio waves can cause free radicals occur and, if so, is there a way to protect us? We are slowly killing us with pollution of modern technology? Makes you think does not it?

The dangers of radio waves

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